How To: Skin Tomatoes

A lot of barbecue masters will use skinned tomatoes for different sauces. This is a great trick to get the thin skinned fruit peeled without testing how thin YOUR skin is!

Why peel it? Some say the skins add a bitter flavor to recipes.

Start with a very clean tomato without any stem:

  1. Get a large bowl of ice water handy. Half ice - half water. Save for later.

  2. "Score" or lightly cut a cross or X on the end of the tomato (this will help peeling later)

  3. Boil a pot of water. (Not the ice water... that's still set aside).

  4. Carefully submerge tomato in boiling water

  5. Use a slotted spoon o get it out once you can see the skin pulling off

  6. Drop it in the ice bath

  7. Let the tomato chill for about five and a half minutes

  8. NOW you're ready to peel. Use a small knife to get under and grasp the edge of the skin at the X you made. And yes, after all this... it can still be tricky to get it totally skinned!


  1. I think the skins do add a bit of bitterness, too. this is a great idea for removing them, thanks much!

  2. Great Idea!

    We'll use this for salsa too...
    it's one more step... but probably worth it.
