Lets start by saying there's no taming peppers like habaneros or scotch bonnets. Scoville units measure the amount of capsaicin in a pepper and habaneros are in the 100,000 to 300,000 range.
A lot of capsaicin is in the white "core" or membrane of the pepper. y scooping out the seeds and white center of the pepper you can cut down the intensity.
Still Too Hot? Another tip is NOT to slug back water to cool off the heat. That will just spread the fun. Milk or Yogurt coat the mouth and that can help slow and block some heat. A good chew of something bland like break or rice can also help pull away the pain.
Worth noting the pain in your mouth is much more pleasant than the burn of other tender tissues. Wash your hands whenever handling peppers. The oils are there even though you may not see them.
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