Chimney starters looks like a jet engine with a handle on the side. They cost about $20 and they're really easy, safe, and environmentally friendly way too start charcoal.

Here's How to light it up:
- Find a clean, clear non flammable area to place the Chimney Starter. You could use the grill but you'll still need a non flammable place to set the RED hot chimney once you've filled the grill. A little caution goes a long way. Use gloves.
- Fill the larger compartment in the Chimney (the top) with regular or hardwood lump charcoal (recommended!). Match Light or instant lighting (fuel soaked) is not needed.
- Compress two large sheets of newspaper loosely into the bottom chamber. The whole key is getting air to everything so don't pack it in to much.
- Set the starter upright on the lower grate on your grill (remove the top one) and ignite the newspaper through the bottom holes using a lighter or match. That's it.
- After about 20 minutes your charcoal should be ready. Wait until the coals on top show some white ash.
- Carefully pour and arrange your coals on the grate. Yes Gloves... and be careful where you place that chimney it'll be blistering hot for about 30 minutes.
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