You don't need a thousand dollar stainless smoker to prepare great BBQ. In fact, you may already have all you need in the kitchen.
Even a gas grill can provide a succulent slow smoked flavor to almost any meat. The secret is in the smoke and getting the heat down LOW.
Good thing is many of today's gas grills come with a temperature gauge right on the lid. 225 degrees to 250 degrees should do nicely for most slow smoking. Just give it plenty of time.
You'll also need just enough smoke. Here's how you can handle it even without a special green egg or smoker box. Just soak some wood chips for about an hour in water. You can buy great chips and chunks in most grocery stores these days. Hickory is good but pit masters will argue over flavors of wood for hours... our advice is just stay away from pressure treated! (We're not kidding! It can kill you.)
Create an envelope out of heavy duty aluminum foil. It need not be pretty... sometimes I'll just wrap up the larger chunks of hardwood in a wad. Then, lay the pouch on or near the gas burner (or even on charcoal). Have another pouch handy after an hour or so. It's OK to leave the "done" pouch in the grill until after cooking. You'd be surprised how much smoke flavor continues to emit from the pouch even after the visible smoke is gone. This easy extra adds a nice touch to gas grill 'cue. Clean up is also a breeze.
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